New project begins in January 2015

In-Network-Data Analysis of spatially distributed quantitiesMore
Poster Presentation at the Smart SysTech 2014, 1-2 July, 2014, Dortmund

European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies, Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund, GermanyMore
Theme issue on intelligent food logistics

Transactions of the Royal Society A (Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science) edited by the team of the intelligent containers and external experts. Volume 372, issue 2017, May/June 2014. More
Project results presented at two conferences in May and June 2014
Cool Chain Association AGM / Workshop "Quality & Wastage in the Perishable Supply Chain" and “3rd IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain”More
Poster Presentation at SENSORNETS 2014
3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 January, 2014More
4th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics
Bremen, Germany, February 10-14, 2014More